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Australian artist whose works include oil paintings and pen drawings of the Australian landscape, paintings and drawings of Ancient Egyptian themes, handmade books, relief printing, and relief carvings in stone.
NOTE: (This website is no longer updated. For these pages and much more, go to my current website.
The Story of Sinuhe
The Dispute between a Man and his Ba
The Tomb of Sennefer
Hieroglyphic text in the Tomb of Sennefer. Typeset version.
Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Drawings from a sketchbook Oil Painting Digital images Pen Drawings in Concertina Book format.
Following the 'bird's eye view of the path' theme:
Pen Drawings Sun Drawings Black and White Photos Sunrise Photos
Black and White Woodcuts The Artist
email: Jenny Carrington
© J.Carrington 1998 - 2005
Last modified - March 2005
Thank you, Jenny, 2011.)
Hieroglyphic transcription and text-source pages by J. J. Hirst,
with transliteration and translation (courtesy of University College London).
Hieroglyphic text of the Middle Kingdom dialogue between a man and his soul on whether or not life is worth living.
Images from the walls of Sennefer's tomb painted on papyrus,
including the hieroglyphs. With transliteration and translation.
A retrospective collection of landscapes, etc, from 1972-1988
Oil Paintings from 1994-2000
Daily drawings - February to April 2003
Parallel Universe - 2003
based on original drawings, photographs, etc. - 2003-2004.
Drawings of the Australian bush.
Pencil Drawings from 1973.
Landscapes and people.
Images from Greek Vase Paintings
Background information, list of exhibitions, etc.